Emptiness Filled By Jesus
One day, the manger was empty except for a few straws of hay for the animals in the stable. Then, that special night in Bethlehem, it held the Bread of Life that came to fill mankind with peace in their lives and joy in their hearts.
One day, the stomachs of those on the hillside were empty and there wasn’t any food to give them, except for the lunch of a boy in the crowd. Then, Jesus took those loaves and fishes, blessed them, and miraculously filled those thousands of stomachs and still had more to give.
One day, the eyes of a man born blind were empty except for the darkness of a life without sight. Then, after the man’s eyes covered with a salve Jesus created with His spit and some dirt from the ground, and after obediently washing in the Pool of Siloam, the man went home filled with light in being able to see for the first time.
One day, the road leading into Jerusalem was empty, except for a few passersby. Then, at the beginning of His week of Passion, Jesus, riding on the back of a donkey, was met by many of His followers who filled the air with waving palm fronds and with shouts of “Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord!”
One day, the cross was empty, except for the blood of the One who had just painfully given His life on it, having proclaimed, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Then, after being taken down from the implement of torturous death, Jesus had fulfilled His purpose of dying to take away the sins of the world.
One day, the tomb was empty, except for the remnants of grave cloths that had once covered Jesus’ dead and buried body. Then, after the stone was rolled away, Jesus filled the world with His victorious presence, having conquered death and offering life to all those who would believe.
One day, my heart was empty, except for the hope that someone could satisfy the hunger of my soul, shine a light in my darkness, and remove the pain of sin in my life. Then, after I heard His still small voice in my heart saying, “I’ve done it all for you!” Jesus filled my life with peace and my heart with joy.
And one day soon, the sky will be empty, except for the sound of the archangel’s trumpet blast. Then, after Jesus appears in triumphant return, the sky will be filled with those who knew Him, returning victoriously to heaven with Him.
If your life is empty, let Jesus fill it. He is the only One who can. Merry Christmas.